

This guide is based heavily on the official redhat documentation for deployment: https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/index.html

You will need root for this and type in your password


go to the directory with your interfaces

cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

now create a new interface for the link

touch ifcfg-bond0

now we are going to alter eth0 and eth1 so we want to save them

cp ifcfg-eth0 /home/yourname/original_eth0  && cp ifcfg-eth1 /home/yourname/original_eth1

you can verify that they are present by typing

ls /home/yourname original*

now we alter eth0

nano ifcfg-eth0

add the following:

MASTER = bond0



Do the same with ifcfg-eth1

Now, we need to load the channel bonding kernel module, to do this we go into the modprobe area

cd /etc/modprobe.d

we create a new configuration file

touch bonding.conf

we go into the file and add an alias

nano bond0 bonding

and type

alias bond0 bonding

now I restart the service

service network restart

now check the status

cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0

after this is done you should configure the settings. Which will be covered later as they require empirical customization.